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Sunday, May 23, 2021

End of Year

Happy 2nd to the last week of school. I know it has been a while, but we have been incredibly busy in our two rooms. Let me catch you up on what we have been doing as well as what is coming up...

Math:  Since we meet last we wrapped up our unit on fractions. Last week we began learning at how to tell time to the hour and half hour. We will finish time this week and then wrap up the year learning two digit addition without regrouping (ex: 24+13). 

ELA:  This week will be our last week of spelling, we will be wrapping things up with words that end in -le. We spent the last few weeks learning about compound words and ABC order. This week we will spend some time on rhyming words. 

Social Studies/Science:  Our sound/inventors units were a huge hit last month. After that we learned all about Earth Day. Last week we started preparing for our final unit on bees. We will spend this week learning all about the types of bees, their various jobs, pollination, and the life cycle of a bee. 

Water Bottles:  Please make sure to send your child in with their own reusable water bottle. It is getting warm in our classrooms, out at recess, and during PE. The water fountains are off but we do have water bottle filling stations. Kiddos are allowed to have their water bottles in their cubbies. Please just label with their names. Thank you!

Walking Field Trip: We are thinking of heading to the tree park the last day of school.  Just to get out of the building for a while on the last day and play in the park. Enjoy some fresh air and sing to our summer birthday kiddos. Look for a permission slip to go home sometime later this week.

Save the Dates:  Couple of important dates to mark on your calendars. This Thursday, May 27th is a 12:25 early release. Please plan accordingly. This does not affect Friday's 12:25 release, that remains the same as always. Also, no school on Monday, May 31st in honor of Memorial Day. The last day of school is Thursday, June 3rd. We will release at 12:25. 

Charging Cords:  We still do not have every students charging cord and its block. If you have not returned your child's charging cord and block to us we need you to please do this tomorrow! Thank you. 

Tomorrow we officially begin week 38 of this school year, leaving only one week of school left after Friday! I was going to reflect back real quickly, but then I started getting a little teary so I will leave the look back at this EPIC year for next weeks post. 8 days everyone, WOW! Hope you have a great rest of your weekend. -Ms. Shaw

  Happy Spring! It's been a while since we have updated via blog. Through snow days and holidays and breaks we have been hard at work. L...