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Monday, January 30, 2023

2022 Gingerbread and Holiday Extravaganza!!

 What a week we had before break.
Four short days but we packed in the good times! Tuesday was specials, Wednesday was our field trip, Thursday we built our gingerbread houses and made our parent gifts, and Friday we made our latkes and played the dreidel game. In between it all we read so many different versions of the gingerbread man story while we compared and contrasted characters, settings, plot, problems and solutions in the various books. It was a week of smiles, laughter, memories, and fun! Check out the pictures of our week below.

I have to say, the City of Flagstaff really went all out to make the experience of getting our gingerbread building permits approved such a magical event. The time and effort they spent talking to each and every individual student, looking at their plans they had made, and checking new ideas off on a list that they had printed in color was so awesome and above and beyond. Also, thank you to each and every volunteer during this week. The extra help trudging through our first snow of the season was great, and the walk that day was beautiful. I truly loved getting to bring back our craft day and making Latkes to celebrate Hanukkah, something that hasn't happened since Covid. The learning that takes place when the students get to make latkes, play the dreidel game, and just be hands on is irreplaceable. I cannot make this magical week happen without my helpers. That includes everyone who sent in supplies to make the fun happen. You all are amazing! Thank you all! 💙-Ms. Shaw

  Happy Spring! It's been a while since we have updated via blog. Through snow days and holidays and breaks we have been hard at work. L...