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Monday, November 15, 2021

November Blog

Hello Room 9 Families. Since I have not had the chance to blog in a while and there is a lot to communicate, I am going to make this one all informational. Next week I will cover curriculum, because we have covered quite a bit there as well. However, this one needs to be just the facts since we have so much. Let's dive in - 

Illness:  If your child is showing any signs of illness (cough, runny nose, etc...) or has had a direct contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid please make sure they stay home! Please remember if your child has a fever they may not be at school, and they may not be medicated and sent into school. This school year it is extremely important that we remain vigilant in keeping ourselves and each other healthy. So many of you are already doing this and I cannot thank you enough! 

Masks:  We have been asked to reach out to parents and ask for you to please start sending your children to school with a couple of extra masks every day. This especially pertains to those who have students that wear disposable masks. It would be extremely helpful if they had back up masks in their backpacks. Currently we are going through at least a box of kid masks a day and it is quite the expense. I know I give out a minimum of 2 or 3 a day in our room.  If they each had a few of their own to use when theirs break, get wet, or lost after lunch it would be extremely helpful! Thank you!

Discount Cards Fundraiser:  This is the final week for selling discount cards. In fact, if your child has sold cards they may bring their sale sheet and money in and exchange it for the cards at the office. The latest they can do this is Friday. So many kiddos have been telling me they have been selling the $10 cards. Nice job Mustangs!

Native American Heritage Month:  November is Native American Heritage Month. In Honor of Native American Heritage Month we would like our Indigenous students to share a bit of their culture with us. Tomorrow (Tuesday) students may wear their moccasins to school. Wednesday students may wear their favorite Native shirt. Thursday is traditional dress day and Friday is wear Orange.  All students may take part in these days, and on Wednesday if you do not have a Native shirt all students can opt to wear their favorite Marshall shirt. On Thursday we will have a visit from our long time FUSD employee and a dear friend of mine, Deb Onsae. She will be reading "Turkey's Gift to the People" and doing a craft with our kiddos. I have had the pleasure of hearing her tell this story and she does an amazing job, I cannot wait!

Behaviors:  I cannot tell you how proud I am of our students. We have earned a pizza party (Thank you Zanot family for all you did to make this successful!) and the kiddos are well on their way to earning a stuffy party (they will get to bring their stuffed animal to school for the day). We also just had our monthly star chart drawing for prizes and the envelope was full of star charts. All this to say the class has really doing an amazing job with class and school expectations, and their growth has been awesome to see! So proud of them. 

As always, I feel like every time I go to blog I forget half of what I wanted to say. I will reach out via email if I remember anything I left out. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me as well. Thank you. -Ms. Shaw

  Happy Spring! It's been a while since we have updated via blog. Through snow days and holidays and breaks we have been hard at work. L...