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Sunday, December 4, 2022

December Updates

 Happy Weekend! Only two weeks left. Here is what is happening the rest of the semester in our class and at Marshall:

Math:  This week we will wrap up sums and differences within 100. 

ELA:  Last week we learned about multiple meaning words. We will finish verbs to wrap up the semester. In phonics we are continuing with unpredictable vowels teams (since last update we have done ow and ea, this week we will focus on oo). Next week will will do a story series on comparing and contrasting different gingerbread stories. At some point we will be building our own gingerbread houses. We will have a sign up for supplies needed and volunteers to help, so be on the look out for that!

Science:  We will wrap up our unit on solids and liquids this week. 

Social Studies:  We are going to spend the next two weeks learning about different holidays celebrated at this time of year. We will learn about Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, St. Lucia, and Las Posada's. We will learn who celebrates these holidays, how the holiday began and why,  what are some of the traditions associated with each holiday, etc... With each holiday we will have a craft, or some kind of food to help us understand the holiday better. When we learn about Hanukkah we will make latkes. This will take place the last Friday before break. I will be sending out a list for supplies and volunteers  for this as well.

Spirit Week:  Marshall holiday spirit week the next two weeks. Days are as follows:

Mark Your Calendar:  Few dates to remember coming up"

  • Thursday, December 8th - Special Early Release @ 12:25 - please plan for after school care accordingly.
  • Thursday, December 15th - PTO Craft Night in Gym 5:30-6:30 PM
  • Monday, December 19th - Friday, December 30th - School Closed for Winter Break.

Pictures from Native American Heritage Month- Here are the last of the pictures from our last guest speaker from Native American Heritage Month. Mae Zee taught us all about weaving. Special thanks to Ms. Judith Arnold for organizing all our speakers and events during Native American Heritage Month. 

Thanksgiving Luncheon:  It was great seeing so many of you at our Thanksgiving luncheon. Here are some pictures of our families:

Hope everyone has had a great weekend. See you tomorrow to begin the end of the semester!! -💚Ms. Shaw

  Happy Spring! It's been a while since we have updated via blog. Through snow days and holidays and breaks we have been hard at work. L...