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Sunday, August 11, 2019

First Week 2019 School Year

Welcome to our first full week of the 2019-2020 school year. This week will be all about learning expectations and some routines. We will be learning what we do and how we do it. Here is what is in store for your first grader...

Math:  We are beginning our math curriculum this upcoming week.  We will be looking at embedded numbers, which means seeing parts inside of whole numbers (ex: inside of 5 we have the parts of 4 and 1, or 3 and 2, etc...).  We will also focus on making number bonds from the whole number and it's embedded parts.  Understanding number bonds now is very important because they will be part of nearly everything we do in math the rest of the year.

ELA:  We are going to be packing a lot into our English Language Arts time this week. This will be our review week of our letters and sounds, along with handwriting practice of our letters. We will also begin learning our Daily 5 routines. Daily 5/CAFE is a literacy framework that I use in conjunction with our district approved ELA curriculum to teach our children how to read. Daily 5 is a series of 5 choices your child will make everyday during part of our ELA time.  CAFE is the methods I will teach them to implement while they are reading during Daily 5.  It may sound like a lot, but I will explain each part here in the blog as we come to it.  You may also feel free to stop by the classroom any day before or after class and I will be happy to explain it in detail.  This week during Daily 5 the students will learn how to read to self, which is broken into 3 parts - read the words, read the pictures, and retell the story.  

  • Please note that since we are just beginning math and because we will not begin our regular ELA curriculum until next week there will NOT be homework until next week. Again, homework will not begin until next week.

Science/Social Studies:  Before diving into our traditional science and social studies we will spend this week learning about growth mindset.  Growth mindset is a belief that your basic abilities come from dedication and hard work.  In first grade we start talking to ourselves about how you can train your brain by learning, how mistakes are proof that you are trying.  We will be reading a book called "My Fantastic, Elastic Brain,"  and learn about the different parts of the brain, and what those parts are in charge of and how they make us,  We will extend the book with lessons about how we can help our brains grow through learning and with hard work.  We will learn how mistakes are the best ways to help our brains grow, and how every time we make a mistake it's ok because we learn what not to do and our brains are growing!  I love this so much!  Growth mindset will be a concept we will work on throughout the year, focusing on more ideas such as the power of yet, one of my favorites, and incorporating it with as much curriculum as possible (such as STEM challenges and ELA).  Again, I will keep posted here in the blog of these activities.

School Supplies: I would like to begin by recognizing and thanking our amazing PTO for supplying everything our students and I need to begin our school year! This has been truly amazing to only have to send out an extra supply list. Thank you also to our families who any items off of that extra supply list. We are stocked and set for a while. If and when we should run out of or need any supplies for the classroom I will post that need here on the blog. The only item you will still need to provide at this point (if you have not already done so) is a set of earbuds/headphones for your child to use during Daily 5. We will label them with your child's name and store in the room for the remainder of the year. If you are interested in becoming a part of our outstanding PTO they meet the first Wednesday of every month from 4:40-5:30 in the library. The first meeting is Wednesday, September 4th. Free childcare is available.

Paperwork:  Please make sure to visit the district website to fill out all the required beginning of the year paperwork for re-enrollment and record updating. Instead of the pile of paperwork the district is requiring these forms to be filled out online this year instead. You can access this website through this link Once you are at this site you will need your Parent VUE activation key code if you do not already have an active Parent VUE account. The front office can help you obtain this key code (773-4044), I cannot-I do not have this information. I believe that once you have this set up this year, the process will be much easier in the years to come. Also, please make sure to fill out the form for free and reduces lunch at This is one of the most important forms, because the more families that qualify for free and reduced lunch, the more Title 1 funds Marshall school receives. These monies are used for so many things that directly impact your child's education here at Marshall. These funds are used for our Magnet programs, including Suzuki Violin, which every K-2 student participates in for free twice a week, among a myriad of other programs and people that benefit all students here at Marshall. Even if you do not think you will qualify, please take a minute to fill out the form anyway. I did not think I would qualify when my son attended, and it turned out he was eligible for reduced pricing. Although he ate home lunch, I was happy knowing that our completed form was helping Marshall earn funding. Again, thank you for your time in doing this for our school and our students!

Save the Date:

  • Open House - Wednesday, August 28th @ 5:30
  • Labor Day - School Closed - Monday, September 2nd
  • Marshall Picture Day - Wednesday, September 18th

This group had no problem making themselves at home during our first two days together. I can't wait to dive into our year together.  -Ms. Shaw

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