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Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor Day Week

 Happy Labor Day. I hope everyone had a relaxing 3 day weekend. Can you believe we are headed into week four of FRL? I would like for us to gather on Wednesday night to discuss where we stand at this point, more of that below. First, as always, let me share what we will be doing in class.

Math:  We will finish Topic B on Tuesday and Wednesday. This covers counting on from embedded numbers up to totals of 8-10. On Thursday I will review the math test with them, and then they may take the test after that on Nearpod. They may not take the test before that, or they will not have been taught the lessons covered on the test. Next week we will get into Topic C, addition word problems.

ELA:  We are moving into week 2 of our ELA unit of families. This also means our second week of spelling, which is short i words. Please remember that when your child goes to independent ELA the first thing they should be doing is their spelling words, and then they can be doing one of the Daily 5 options they have learned with me, along with watching the link to the video I have provided for them in the independent work section. This will always be a short, fun video that goes with the spelling sounds we are working on. 

Suzuki:  We are hoping to add Suzuki violin to our FRL schedule. This would be on Monday's from 1:10-1:40. We need to know who is interested in having a violin at home for their child to participate in this special. Please take the time to fill out this attached survey either way to help us plan accordingly.  Suzuki Survey  Thank you.

Parent Information Check In Night:  Ok, I tried coming up with a cute name for this, but it is 6:30 on Monday evening. If you have a cute name, let me know. The important part is I would like to host a parent check in night this Wednesday from 6:00-6:30 just to go over some important information that might make life on your end a little easier and answer any questions you might still have on your end. We will make it easy and just use the same link we use for class. I really hope to see everyone there.

Show and Tell:  I have decided to bring back show and tell, something we have not had time for in first grade for the last several years. Every week I will let the students know the theme for the upcoming week, and put it here in the blog. This weeks theme is - something with wheels. On your child's assigned day they may share something they have that has wheels. They are to tell us as much information they can about their item, where they got it, why they like it, etc.. Then they will be able to call on three friends who can ask a question or make a statement about your child's show and tell. The assigned days are in our Google Classroom calendar, but I will post here as well. If we ever have a closure on Monday (or any other day of the week) those kiddos will go on Friday. Friday will also be reserved for make ups. This week was no school Monday, so Monday kiddos will be going this Friday. I told them the good news is that they will get to go two times in a row. Here is our show and tell schedule.

Monday's - Aria, Cohen, Cypress, Dakota (This group will go on Friday this week).

Tuesday's - Elizabeth, Guner, Isaac, Jake, Jocelyn 

Wednesday's - Juniper, Marcus, Nino, Paloma, Rayland

Thursday's - Reese, Riley, Sofia, Vaerick, Victoria, Violet

Reading Groups: I will begin meeting with your kiddos in reading groups next week, starting Monday September 21st. This week we will finish district wide testing that is used to help form these groups. I will be doing a combination of group meetings and one on one sight word meetings to build their sight word skills. Being that I am trying to accomplish both types of meeting, I will be doing some of the groups during independent work times. This means your child will have to complete their independent work at other times of the day. Please make sure that days independent work is completed. Here is the schedule as it is at this time:

Monday's -

Group 1 @ 9:30: Jake, Vaerick, Violet

Monday's 1:1's -
12:20-12:40 Cypress
12:40-12:50 Reese
12:50-1:00 Damiana
1:00-1:10 Paloma
1:40-1:50 Cohen
1:50-2:00 Juniper

Tuesday's - 

Group 2 @ 9:30: Jocelyn, Guner, Elizabeth, Rayland
Group 3 @ 12:20: Dakota, Nino, Isaac, Riley, Marcus

Wednesday's - 

Group 4 @ 9:30: Aria, Cohen, Victoria, Sofia

Group 5 @ 12:20: Juniper, Cypress, Damiana

Wednesday's  1:1's -
2:00-2:10 Jake
2:10-2:20 Violet
2:20-2:40 Nino
2:40-2:50 Vaerick

Thursday's -

Group 6 @ 9:30: Reese and Paloma

Thursday's 1:1's -
12:20-12:40 Rayland
12:40-12:50 Guner
12:50-1:00 Elizabeth
1:00-1:10 Jocelyn

2:00-2:10 Dakota
2:10-2:20 Isaac
2:20-2:40 Riley
2:40-2:50 Marcus

Friday's 1:1's -

11:20-11:30 Aria
11:30-11:40 Sofia
11:40-11:50 Paloma
11:50-12:00 Victoria

I believe I have everyone covered. Unless there is a major scheduling issue, let's see how this goes before we try and switch any times around. Of course, if there is a huge and immediate conflict please let me know.

Once again, I think that is enough information for tonight. I look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday at 6:00. Week 4, let's go! -Ms. Shaw

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