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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Mid April Updates

 Hello families. I wanted to touch base with 3 important updates for our class, please read carefully.

We are moving:  At least half of us are. Room 9 is moving across the hall to room 10 for the remainder of the school year. This is creating the opportunity for us to be right next door to the other half of our class in room 8. The super exciting part of this is that there are double doors that connect the two rooms that we will now have open, allowing Mrs. Burton access to act as the lead sub-aide/co-teacher in the two rooms. The kiddos in room 8 (who now are going by the name Avengers) and the kiddos in room 10 (who are now the Autobots) will remain on their separate sides, and Ms. Hoffman will also remain solely in room 8. This is a unique and exciting opportunity that we are confident will help us utilize Mrs. Burton's natural teaching knowledge to reach our full range of students and increase consistent ecpectations across the two classes with the continued support of Ms. Hoffman on the one side. We let both kids know about the move on Friday and they are all excited. Mrs. Burton and I worked this Saturday to set our new room up as well as get ready for some new friends, and we are ready to assemble and roll out!

iPads:  We will now be storing your child's iPads at school. Starting tomorrow we need you to send your child to school with their fully charged iPad, their district issued charging cord and their iPad block. Just a heads up that they will not return home with them, we will be storing and charging them in the classroom from now on. 

Picture Day:  Pictures are a little different this year. They will be done digitally, from my understanding. Here is the link to the information. Picture Day Info. If you have any questions I would suggest contacting the office.

4 day week ahead, and some positive changes. Thank you all for your continued support as we continue to pivot. If you ever have any questions please feel free to reach out to me. 💜-Ms. Shaw

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Happy May Room 9 Families! We have been hard at work and having so much fun. Here is what we have been up to, where we are at, and where we ...