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Sunday, October 1, 2023


Happy October! The Gallop was a success - thank you to our parent volunteers who made our day a success. Please remember all money is due this Friday, October 6th. If you collected your pledges and want to send them in sooner that is fine. 

This week is Hispanic Heritage Spirit Week. We are super excited about this, as we have been learning all about Hispanic Heritage. Our spirit week are as follows:

SĂ­ se puede day- translated in English as "It can be done", or "Yes you can". Wear your favorite college’s gear
Tejano (tay-hah-no) Tuesday- dress up day. A Mexican American inhabitant of southern Texas. Also, a style of folk or popular music originating among the Tejanos, with elements from Mexican-Spanish vocal traditions and Czech and German dance tunes and rhythms, traditionally played by small groups featuring accordion and guitar. Students and staff can wear their best Tejano dress (jeans, boots, belt buckles, cowboy hats) or rock their favorite music tee. 
Wardrobe Wednesday - Wear traditional clothing, bright colors that represent the various cultures, colors that represent the various flags, or beach attire.  
Hispanic Hero/ Inspiration Thursday - Dress as your favorite Hispanic role model.
FĂștbol Friday - Wear your favorite soccer team attire. 

Conferences are coming up the week after this week (October 9th-11th). All three days will be 12:45 early release times so please plan accordingly. Please sign-up on the attached sign-up for your child's conference time (Conference Sign-Up). Please sign your child's name in your conference spot. All conferences will be in person, if you need a phone call or online meeting please feel free to email me to make arrangements for this to happen during your conference time. If you would like a translator present please let me know so that I can arrange for one to be in attendance. In order to honor each families conference time I will do my best to begin and end on time. If you feel you have question that will end up exceeding the allotted amount of time given to discuss your child's academic progress we will have to schedule another conference time to continue our discussion. Thank you for your understanding. School is closed the Thursday and Friday following conferences for fall break. I hope to see everyone at conferences. If you have any questions please reach out via email.

Looking forward to seeing the second graders in the morning, ready to end our last full week of the quarter strong!! -Ms. Shaw

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